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"In ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty you will see the difference, and in thirty you'll have a whole new body" - Joseph Pilates.

Pilates: Joseph Pilates developed his system called "Contrology" over Ninety years ago. He was helping the sick, injured war veterans and continued evolving his program working with dancers and performers. By using both mat and equipment, his work focuses on balance, control, strength, flexibility, posture and a mind body connection. His work has been preserved and passed down through generations creating a "buzz" for the exercise system now known as Pilates. It is not just for dancers anymore, but is mainstreamed into all walks of life.

The Benefits of Pilates

Pilates is a refreshing mind body workout that emphasizes breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, smooth flowing movement that helps the body work as a unit. Aside from getting flat abdominals, Pilates can assist in developing strong “core” muscles or muscles at the center of the body. Control of the “core” is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle. Core strength is important in injury prevention and recovery ( especially back injuries), improving athletic performance and ability and for a healthier overall lifestyle.

Pilates helps to build long, lean, strong flexible muscles. Traditional workouts tend to build short, bulky muscles, but Pilates elongates muscles building strength and flexibility in balance. Not only does Pilates teach efficient movement qualities, it helps re-train your body and poor training patterns.

Pilates is a gentle workout for people that are returning from an injury, sick, or have physical limitations; however, Pilates can be quite challenging for athletes and workout enthusiast creating a cardiovascular workout with intricate choreography and balance work. In one hour, Pilates is comprehensive with its focus on breathing and cross training while relieving stress and fatigue. T he body feels amazing at the end of the session and for the remainder of the week.

Private Training

Athletes, business professionals, post rehabilitation clients, and workout enthusiast enjoy Pilate’s diverse criteria. Sher has been teaching for 15 year, is certified in advanced levels on all pieces of Pilate’s equipment and mat work by master teacher Tracy Fitzpatrick at Aline Studios in Newport Beach (visit Not only does Sher teach private, semi private, and group classes, she is available for site specific classes and club events.​

"Sher is quality instructor consistently challenging and patient.

She gets results by initiating hard work from her clients yet her personality and delivery

of the work is always with kindness and respect for the individual."

- Tracy Fitzpatrick


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